What I did in KDE/Plasma Mobile land in July-ish

After my gargantuan post around the overhauled navigation gestures (and a still-in-progress one about KWin corner touch gesture support I'll hopefully have ready soon:tm:) let's tackle a few more smaller things. I'll try to make these somewhat regular (dare I say maybe even monthly?), but let's see how that shakes out, probably more like every 2-3 months if at all.

As an exciting update, near the end of June (the 25th to be exact) I got accepted to the KDE dev team. This means I now have the ability to properly manage submitted issues on GitLab and, only slightly terrifyingly, I'm now allowed to push code changes to the main repositories and review MRs. Let's see when, if ever, this feeling of trepidation over having to make quadruple sure I don't accidentally do stupid stuff subsides. Should it even subside or is being very extra super duper careful a good thing. I'll keep you posted whenever I find an answer to that :D

Anyways, let's get to code changes:

Merged Changes

Task Switcher/Gesture Navigation


I've done some bug triaging and reproduction here and there, as well as tried to keep up to date on merge requests in the Plasma Mobile world. I still haven't really done a proper review and merge, but I'm trying to look through all of the other ones to hopefully learn how good reviews look like so at some point I'll be able to do them.



For the next month I wanna try and finish up my work on KWin touch corner gestures (and get another oversized blog post out about those) and then implement them into Plasma Mobile. Once that is done I want to do more bug fixing, triaging and looking at knocking out some tickets for planned bigger picture improvements for 6.2. Let's see next month if a) I get any of this done or b) I even manage to make a blog post since I'll not be home for a while