My last 6 months in KDE/Plasma Mobile

Uh. Has it really been almost half a year already? Whoops.

Unfortunately even with this many months I didn't get quite as much done in KDE-land as I hoped, for two main reasons:

Back to KDE though: It wasn't all just learning - my phone also broke! Well. Kind of. Probably a loose contact in the SIM reader leading to it dropping connection to my SIM card a bit more often than I'd like. However this did push me to put said SIM into my old OnePlus 6T which just so happened to be running postmarketOS edge making me an official Linux Mobile daily-driver.

And I'm happy to report it mostly just worked. Sure, there's a few apps I'd like to have that aren't available on Linux Mobile (yet?), but what's there works and it's enough for me to use it.

Though there are certainly a number of more-than-a-bit-annoying bugs to be ironed out - so iron them out I will. For now my SIM card is back in my spotty Android phone until I fix a bug which sometimes duplicates incoming calls making them continue ringing while you've already picked up (less than ideal), but after that I think I'll stay on my 6T with Plasma Mobile for a longer while.

Now before I write another novel, let's get to the stuff I did actually finish in the last few months.

Merged Changes

Mobile Taskswitcher



I still haven't managed to get back to my touch corner gesture MR for KWin due to all the stuff that came in between like:

Well, that's all from me now. Hopefully I manage to do the next post in a more timely manner, but we'll see for how long my current bigger ticket items will keep me occupied for